● The high cost of currently specified turf with wildflowers leads to substitution with on-site seeding and this has predictably poor outcomes.
● Developers are seeking an affordable, instant greening solution for sales areas and public open spaces, but they are moving away from using amenity turf to achieve this.
● BNG legislation is significantly boosting demand, requiring growers to ensure they can meet this increased need over the long term.
To produce an affordable, pollinator-friendly species rich turf that closely matches currently specified mixes, while avoiding the use of plastic reinforcement or imported growing mediums. Additionally, the turf needs to be supplied in easy-to-handle rolls rather than awkward slabs.
Grasslands have pioneered the development of field grown turves containing wildflowers, using fine turf rolls as a carrier medium for the desired mixes.
Mechanisation has driven down production, harvesting and handling costs, reducing the purchase price for contractors.
Grasslands’ Species Rich Turf® is an 80/20 grass/wildflower mix, but as a natural product, some species may not survive or thrive under certain local conditions. Due to the nature of wildflower seed availability the species mix may be subject to change without prior notification.
- Features
- Specifications
Grasslands have pioneered the development of field grown turves containing wildflowers, using fine turf rolls as a carrier medium for the desired mixes.
Mechanisation has driven down production, harvesting and handling costs, reducing the purchase price for contractors.
Centaurea nigra | Description: Common Knapweed Percentage: 5% |
Ranunculus acris | Description: Meadow Buttercup Percentage: 1% |
Linum usitatissimum | Description: Flax Percentage: 1% |
Lotus corniculatus | Description: Leo Lotus Corniculatus Percentage: 7.5% |
Medicago lupulina | Description: Virgo Medicago lupulina Percentage: 3% |
Plantago lanceolata | Description: Ribwort Plantain Percentage: 2% |
Galium verum | Description: Lady’s Bedstraw Percentage: 2% |
Trifolium repens | Description: Aberlasting (small/medium Percentage: 7.5% |
Prunella vulgaris | Description: Self Heal Percentage: 2% |
Achillea millefolium | Description: Yarrow Percentage: 1% |
Silene dioica | Description: Red Campion Percentage: 0.4% |
Silene alba | Description: White Campion Percentage: 0.4% |
Filipendula ulmaria | Description: Meadow Sweet Percentage: 2% |
Agrimonia eupatorium | Description: Agrimony Percentage: 8% |
Leucanthemum vulgare | Description: Oxeye Daisy Percentage: 3% |
Onobrychis vicifolia | Description: Sainfoin Percentage: 6% |
Malva moschata | Description: Musk Mallow Percentage: 1% |
Vicia sativa | Description: Common Vetch Percentage: 2% |
Digitalis purpurea | Description: Foxglove Percentage: 0.75% |
Trifolium pratense | Description: Red Clover Percentage: 1% |
Daucus carota | Description: Wild Carrot Percentage: 0.75% |
Stachys officinalis | Description: Betony Percentage: 0.5% |
Rhinanthus minor | Description: Yellow Rattle Percentage: 3% |
Agrostemma githago | Description: Corncockle Percentage: 5% |
Papaver rhoeas | Description: Corn Poppy Percentage: 0.2% |
Centaurea cyanus | Description: Cornflower Percentage: 3% |
Anthemis arvensis | Description: Corn Chamomile Percentage: 0.5% |
Chrysanthemum segetum | Description: Corn Marigold Percentage: 2% |
Anthriscus sylvestris | Description: Cow Parsley Percentage: 0.5% |
Sanguisorba minor | Description: Salad Burnet Percentage: 1.5% |
Lathyris pratensis | Description: Meadow Vetchling Percentage: 6.5% |
Anthoxanthum odoratum | Description: Sweet Vernal Grass Percentage: 5% |
Trisetum flavescens | Description: Golden Oat Grass Percentage: 5% |
Phleum bertolonii | Description: TENO Percentage: 2.5% |
Other species | Percentage: 7.5% |