Produced in collaboration with Germinal Amenity, the rolls combine Grasslands’ own proven grass varieties with the climate smart clover, DoubleRoot, a world first hybrid cross of White Clover and Caucasian Clover.
- Features
- Drought Resistance:Clovers have deep roots, allowing them to withstand periods of drought better than traditional grass lawns.
- Nitrogen Fixation:Clovers have the ability to fix nitrogen from the air into the soil, which helps improve soil fertility and reduces the need for synthetic fertilisers.
- Low Maintenance:Our Clover Rich Eco Turf requires less frequent mowing, saving labour and lowering energy consumption.
- Attracts Pollinators:Clover flowers attract bees and other pollinators, promoting biodiversity in the lawn ecosystem.
- Environmental Benefits:Clovers demand less resources such as water, fertilisers, and pesticides, thereby promoting a more eco-friendly lawn alternative.
- Tolerance:Clover Rich Eco Turf is more shade resilient, more tolerant to foot traffic, and more resistant to dog patching than a grass monoculture lawn.